Gaseous Fire Extinguishers

Often sprinkler systems are the renowned, go-to solution for protecting people and property against fire hazards with a proven track record. 

Whilst they do a fantastic job, there is a need now and then to quickly suppress a fire and protect high value sensitive assets. This is where clean agents come into play. They’re ideal at extinguishing fires without damaging equipment in the area. 

By definition a clean agent is a gaseous fire suppressant that is electrically nonconducting and that does not leave a residue upon evaporation. This is ideal when protecting high value items like historical artifacts or sensitive electronic equipment. 

The term “clean agents” includes both halocarbon agents and inert gas agents. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is another extinguishing agent with all the properties of a clean agent but is often classified differently due to the dangers associated with it. 

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